M. Sc. Helge Wrede
Room: EG.002
E-Mail: helge.wrede@email.uni-kiel.de
Tel: +49 431-880-7064
Social Media: LinkedIn​​​​​​​​​​

Research Interests
Computer Graphics
Real-time Rendering
Physics-based Simulations
Software Engineering
Machine Learning
Point Clouds
Gaussian Splatting
Generative AI

A. Kokosza, H. Wrede, D. G. Esparza, M. Makowski, D. Liu, D. L. Michels, S. Pirk, W. Pałubicki, Scintilla: Simulating Combustible Vegetation for Wildfires, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2024
[Website], [Preprint], [Video], [Bibtex]

K. G. Lünsdorf, H. Wrede, F. Schmidt, K. Bauer, L. Uwe Freiherr von, Current State of Digital Twins in the Maritime Sector, Hydrographische Nachrichten, 2023

K. Bauer, S. Dübel, C. G. R. Martius, A. Novikova, A. Petersen, P. Schmelzer, M. Vahl, S. Weinreich, H. Wrede, M. Zacharias, Potentiale und Chancen des Digitalen Zwillings im Aftersales-Service für den Schiffbau und Schiffsbetrieb, 2023

J. Wrede, H. Wrede, W. Behringer, Emergency Department Mean Physician Time per Patient and Workload Predictors ED-MPTPP, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9.11, 2020
Short CV
since November 2023
PhD Student and Research Assistant
Research group Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence of the Institute of Computer Science at Kiel University.
2021 - 2023
Associate Researcher
Fraunhofer IGD, Kiel
2016 - 2020
M. Sc. Computer Science
Hamburg University
Specialization in Software Engineering and Robot Vision, Thesis Title: Decentralized Load Balancing in Smart Grid Overlay Networks Using Publish-Subscribe.
B. Sc. Computer Science
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Specialization in Software Engineering and Computer Vision, Thesis Title: Analysis of Graph-based Multi-object Tracking Algorithms.
2012 - 2016